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  1. longtrekker

    Not By Works

    :D Congrats DC ! u got the 100,000 message and beat out Tourist this time! (and me too!) :D
  2. longtrekker

    Not By Works

    . Haha - i heard something about that too... I think 'South Detroit' will put u in the middle of Lake St. Claire ! :eek:
  3. longtrekker

    Not By Works

    . Gotta love the 'classics' !
  4. longtrekker

    Not By Works

    . That only works if u live in south Detroit tho...:D
  5. longtrekker

    Not By Works

    . Hi Rosemary I remember someone a while back saying something to the effect "..if we could lose our salvation - we would"! But we're kept by someOne else - who'll never lose us!
  6. longtrekker

    Ocasio-Cortez may have opened door to Trump's taxes

    . Hi Susanna – excuse my tardiness - u’ve probably been waiting with baited breath and crossed fingers…again. It must have been agonizing to concede. And I certainly won’t hold it against u if u indulge in flights of fancy (“messing” lol) if it gets u thru your day. No hard feelings – see ya...
  7. longtrekker

    Ocasio-Cortez may have opened door to Trump's taxes

    Hi Susanna – so sorry, hope I didn’t keep ya waitin’ too long on pins ‘n needles, this thing called a ‘life’ keeps getting in the way ( but u just know how I live to respond to all your dazzling ripostes ! I’m saving ‘em up to get ‘em laminated! ) But what’s with the pity party? – you’re the...
  8. longtrekker

    Ocasio-Cortez may have opened door to Trump's taxes

    . Some of us do work for a living – I was out literally out the door when u sent your ‘zingers’. I thought I’d get back to u the next day when I felt like it. Hope that’s OK…I’ve seen people do that here before. Anyway u don’t get to decide the ebb and flo of debate regardless of how many faux...
  9. longtrekker

    Ocasio-Cortez may have opened door to Trump's taxes

    . Hi Susanna Your logic ‘call’ is negated and somewhat laughable given your entire original post could be construed as a glaring example of logical fallacy 14b: ‘The Sweeping Generalization’ – I merely drew attention to it. Seriously, politicians being good at B.S. and not having military...
  10. longtrekker

    Ocasio-Cortez may have opened door to Trump's taxes

    . It's a relevant analogy /comparison - and i only referenced the 3 in question not everyone in Texas/USA/N.A. or the galaxy - triple hahaha
  11. longtrekker

    Ocasio-Cortez may have opened door to Trump's taxes

    . Just this and only this; "....and none of them have any military career worth mentioning lol. "
  12. longtrekker

    Ocasio-Cortez may have opened door to Trump's taxes

    . Hey Loc and i remember your military hero!
  13. longtrekker

    Ocasio-Cortez may have opened door to Trump's taxes

    . Neither did Bill, Bill's wife or Obummer .
  14. longtrekker

    Ocasio-Cortez may have opened door to Trump's taxes

    . It’s in the nature of attracting business to your area – happens a lot. They provide incentives and probably get 10X back in tax revenue…and your constituents get jobs. Maybe it’d end up being 20,000 or perhaps 30,000 - it’s in the nature I suppose of estimates, depends on how sharp your...
  15. longtrekker

    Ocasio-Cortez may have opened door to Trump's taxes

    . Hi PennEd No need to stamp them out – they’ll stamp themselves out in the next election. I think it was Napoleon who said “Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself.” The Dem clown car is driving over a cliff with people like Occasional Cortex and Ilan...
  16. longtrekker

    Subject: SALVATION

    . Doesn't answer the question. What if someone asks me on the way to the airport before i get there about those poor amazonians. .
  17. longtrekker

    Subject: SALVATION

    . Some here mention the Gentiles having God’s law written on their heart – is breaking one law going to doom them as with the Jewish law? We are to promote/defend the gospel in season and out and have a ready reply. This is a basic question that is asked of Christians often I believe. Can...
  18. longtrekker


    . Hi Sarah glad u made it here - we've been expecting u !
  19. longtrekker

    Subject: SALVATION

    . Good question – I’d like to know as well. How is a person to be judged by God if that person; has never heard of Christ ? or only heard of Him in passing but has not had anyone witness to him. These people have not had the choice to 'reject' Christ.... .
  20. longtrekker

    Ocasio-Cortez may have opened door to Trump's taxes

    . "...and attractive.." ? ? uhmm.... .