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  1. longtrekker

    Liberal Hymns

    . As a kid i liked 'Onward Christian soldiers' but given the rise of P.C.dom it has sadly slipped into obscurity. I also real like 'Doxology' - a neat name, scientific like 'biology'. Why they didn't put a 'The' in front of it i'll never know - it also signified the end of the sermon! ( i was...
  2. longtrekker

    Cremation or buried traditionally?

    . Viking funeral 4 me.... i don't want to be dug up 20 years later and used as a Hollywod horror movie prop wearing an outta date suite a la movie 'Frighteners'
  3. longtrekker

    A conversation about nothing in particular

    Bruce Cambell? Drew a blank when u mentioned Bruce Cambell – but then it dawned on me : ‘Army of Darkness !’ - one of me all time medieval favs; “ Listen up u screw-ups !! This is what I call my boomstick!” – the poor befuddled peasants were in awe of his shotgun.
  4. longtrekker

    A conversation about nothing in particular

    VINCENT PRICE !!! old school dude from waaaaay back - hey Monnkai !! - so glad ta hear from ya again. I take it yer operation was a glowing success as yer still in the land of the living! - Good ta hear from ya again mon!
  5. longtrekker

    Member status

    . I'd have to check the rule book - but if true then maybe i'd switch to be a planet 'Governor' - but only if said with a cockney accent.
  6. longtrekker

    Member status

    But only if i get to be a Star Ship Commander....
  7. longtrekker

    Is eternal torment in hell fire Biblical

    . Hi Mark – real sorry about your brother. It would bother me too immensely if a family member were to do the same thing. That being said and I’m open to correction but I’ve never seen ‘suicide = hell’ in the bible. At the same time life is a gift from God and not to be thrown away. I remember...
  8. longtrekker

    Not By Works

    . I know there is a lot of turbulence and turmoil on this thread – but that’s part of the magic ! Given the nature of what’s being discussed if the sparks aren’t flying then that’s going to be an even bigger problem. I for one have learned some excellent stuff here and am glad it’s back.
  9. longtrekker

    New Format

    . Call me an old fogey but I miss the simplicity and bluntness of the old format. While I appreciate all the work that has gone into this site I wonder if the extra graphics and such are competing with what people are saying. JMO
  10. longtrekker

    California bans travel to another state (Oklahoma) based on its 'discriminatory' LGBT adoption law

    Perhaps the one thing that can 'save' conservatives is to break up the state. Apparantly a resident billionaires' pet project is to divide it up into 4 states. I heard he got the signatures to get it on the ballot...hope he pulls it off.
  11. longtrekker

    McCain requests Trump not attend funeral, Obama and Bush to give eulogies

    Exactly – he should be thinking about them. This ‘drama’ as to who should attend could have and should have been made in private. Going public was petty.
  12. longtrekker

    Starbucks now wants their employees to become "Color brave" and refer to their stores as a "third place"

    . Starbucks are twisting themselves into PC pretzels! Given that they're paragons of this disorder it's kind of funny and headshaking at the same time. I kind of feel sorry for individual owners tho - I expect some just want to make an honest living and now they have to deal these spastic...
  13. longtrekker

    McCain requests Trump not attend funeral, Obama and Bush to give eulogies

    . Looks like McLame wants to take 'it' with him.
  14. longtrekker


    No clock u say...? - check your missive
  15. longtrekker

    100,000 member to CC!

    . . CC membership is at 99,998 as i speaks - should'nt the 100,000 member get a prize like stake knives - stainless steel ones anyways? This is a momentous moment - am i the only one who sees this?
  16. longtrekker

    Best free virus protection...?

    * * * Hi all My AVG free anti virus protection now wants to start charging me - anybody know or have luck with other free virus protection apps they can recommend? Thanks a heap