'The church' needs to get back to the truth.
'The church' needs to stop being greedy.
'The church' is watered down.
What are we talking about when we say 'the church'?
Are you talking about the local church as an institution?
Or are you meaning all believers currently alive?
Thing is.. they are not both 'the church '!
I contend "the church' is always local and all believers living now.. is part of the Kingdom of God and Family of God, but not 'the church'
Matthew 18.. context is of a church that can be spoken to.. got to be local.
When Jesus talks of building His church.. Hes referring to continuing to build His churches He started with His His disciples.
The letters in the NT are to local churches. Either one in particular or a group of churches plural.
So .. where is this church of every believer? I dont find it in scripture.
The entity of every believer assembling as a church does eventually happen. That is in scripture.. but it's in prospect
Where in scripture is a church of every believer for now?
'The church' needs to stop being greedy.
'The church' is watered down.
What are we talking about when we say 'the church'?
Are you talking about the local church as an institution?
Or are you meaning all believers currently alive?
Thing is.. they are not both 'the church '!
I contend "the church' is always local and all believers living now.. is part of the Kingdom of God and Family of God, but not 'the church'
Matthew 18.. context is of a church that can be spoken to.. got to be local.
When Jesus talks of building His church.. Hes referring to continuing to build His churches He started with His His disciples.
The letters in the NT are to local churches. Either one in particular or a group of churches plural.
So .. where is this church of every believer? I dont find it in scripture.
The entity of every believer assembling as a church does eventually happen. That is in scripture.. but it's in prospect
Where in scripture is a church of every believer for now?
The local church is obvious- based on locality. The church is all those who are born again. For some reason that I do not understand, unbelievers are welcomed in as if they were believers. We are meant to be living stones in a living temple that Lord Jesus is building.
From God's point of view, the work of Christ is complete. From our point of view, there is a great deal to do. God intends for the church to conform to what Christ has already achieved.
The universal church exists because we are all one in Christ Jesus. I traveled a lot in my first few years as a believer. I met Christians in Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, The Philippines and Hawaii. I had a connection with all the believers in those places. It is spiritual, not cultural.
The best understanding of the church that I've read is Watchman Nee's, "The Normal Christian Church". It should be compulsory reading for anyone who aspires to leadership in the church. It's not a lot like the modern church.
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