I will say this and hope people can lay their objections and preconceptions aside long enough to read through it. God created us with serotonin and dopamine. These are what register pleasure then addict us to the items that give us the greatest. We were designed to release serotonin for glucose, acceptance and sex. He created us to desire this to survive. We need to eat, be social (pack animals) and procreate. When great amounts of pleasure are experienced, it releases dopamine which creates an addiction to it. Too much dopamine is linked to schizophrenia and too little Parkinson’s. These things are flesh, our animal instincts. When we receive too much pleasure it causes our serotonin receptors to resist to control dopamine levels, just like insulin receptors for glucose. If our brains receive too much pleasure it gets a type 2 diabetes like reaction (receptors decrease function) for serotonin. This causes us to need to increase the volume of pleasure or stimulant to produce the same previous effect. Before long you create such a serotonin receptive issue, it causes depression. The only thing that excites you is what is greatest stimulating. Like type 2 diabetes when you eliminate the sugar, the insulin receptors begin to function properly. When you eliminate the stimulant the serotonin receptors return function. It’s actually boredom that cures depression, not excitement. Teens today suffer greater depression because they are over stimulated. Social media, hits the serotonin button via acceptance. Hollywood stars crash because they were loved and adored then forgotten. They seek drugs to get their serotonin levels back up.
Anyways here is the point. Women are more social, they talk more and get greater serotonin release and subsequent dopamine release from acceptance. So that’s why they get addicted to social media. God created them like this because it takes a village to raise a child. Men are designed differently. Their chemical addictions are more sexual based. Just like many mammals, the males have multiple mates. This is why OT men were polygamous. Here’s what I’m getting to. Christians are no longer human. We are a new creation. We are born of Spirit, branches grafted into the Vine, Christ. Our flesh has only the power we grant it. I can tell you that my wife’s Facebook addiction has caused a far greater divide in our relationship than my porn addiction has. However, all of us are to put to death the flesh and it’s control over us. This pertains to food, social and sexual addictions. See things for what they are. We are all chemically driven, those who are not spiritually led.