Ya i read Luther say it was a sin to talk or think about it, But i really feel God intended me to think on many of these things without fear. I still dont see a final answer on it. I do see theres more in the column for limited atonement than the other left over parts column tho.
Well..Luther obviously thought and talked about it quiet a whole lot himself. Possible the "sin" he had in view was the reason and ground for God's election (the "why's"), which men can merely speculate about or the risk of falling into fatalism if the doctrine is abused. I'd certainly agree that such things would be in vain and of no benefit. Maybe zone or sarahm can say more about this, if they wish.
Im still not there yet especially Eph2:8 exegeted the way ive seen it was a turnoff. Without me even pressing the issue i can see all men are not going to be saved even if they all heard the gospel whether given prevenient grace or not which means God chose not to save them whether they didnt respond truthfully or whatever reason I do believe He does the choosing.
OK. Fact still remain: all have not heard, all will not hear. The thing is how we are to view God's intent with the atonement with this perspective. It all falls back to what the atonement actually accomplished. The answer to that leaves few alternatives. Some are afraid that if we dare to believe in the reality of limited atonement we shall have christians in fear of not being the elect and have their assurance gravelled by such a fear. This is not uncalled for in some cases. The other way around you'd have a potential atonement that in fact didn't redeem a single soul, in effect attacking the atonement. Not easy to divide this one!
Havnt settled it yet on why. Seems the bible gives two choices and i havnt made a final decision on it since i havnt seen a definate answer yet. And until i can make up my mind i cant sit with anyone yet that thinks their sure. Thats why i first told you i usually avoid debate in this area, i just usually join in when i see bad bible use.
I see what you're saying. Np.
As far as i know ive never forced either my sentiment, emotions or attitude on scripture.But see it all the time from calvinists to the point of hating people. I understand i could have studied more but it never was something i ever saw the need to consider. but i can say this for sure. Im NOT in anyway a person that thinks i have to answer all the problems like those who havnt heard and such. Not my world, not my people. Thats Gods business as far as im concerned.
I don't know what kinda calvinists you speak of here. The whole scope of predestination and election in Paul's writings is to hammer home the truth of grace being the cause and ground for salvation. Ever since Erasmus and the Remonstrants we've had this debate among us. I think its not unimportant where beliefs and doctrines comes from. Many people are unaware that what they are taught in their non-denom or house groups have a historic origin. The reformers already took up the task to reiterate what was accepted doctrine.
Ive got many verses still that contradict the thing i hear about being regenerated before hearing, receiving, repenting. I told you before i dont care what you name that. Im not just against a group here i have honestly on my own learned the bible and some of this just doesnt fit. Im fine with whatever turns out true.
And we have not so few people saying that they got many verses that contradict the deity of Christ or the Trinity. Yes, there is a lot of things one can see that scripture MIGHT say, more or less minding the ifs and buts. Without a durable and tenable systematic reading of scripture we're quiet left out to "contradictions" and collisions. If you like to read Luther, which is really good reading, then you would also find he believed in regeneration before faith.
Also its highly offensive to be told my motive why i believe what i believe. I rekon for centuries these debates have gone on and its rather silly. I dont get offended really but ive gotten angry before. To shame people as if they are looking down their nose at God and His right to be Sovereign should be fighting words to me. But i realize asses will be asses being one myself.
LOL! Not fully sure what you want to say here. I just hope that these communications, as much as they lack, might be helpful to someone.
Tribesman i dont force exegesis, ok? i had to go look up prevenient grace after our first talk, so as you can see i havent followed any teaching at all. A virgin sorta till lately, with bible on the brain.
It was actually your word,
force(d) exegesis, and a good one to that.When I used it above I did so because it applies to much of universalist and universal atonement argumentation, me thinks.
Again ive never been one to think i have to have all the answers. One of my favorite answers is "i dont know" Oh by the way im not to impressed with calvinists attempt to have all the answers. And they do force exegesis to rid people of universalism and other heresys. Which i dont think Christians have to do more than what we see scriptures clearly say. There are plenty clear ones to do that.
I agree that this can be an issue with some calvinists. I've met a few extreme cases. Many things we have to drop and simply say "I don't know", especially when it is not implied that we must know same. We have to remember that both Calvin and also Arminius were affected by humanism (not the same kind of "humanism" as we popularly know it today). Reason was important. Not so much in Calvin's writings as in the successors one can see some traces. Can you exemplify any of these forced exegesis you've seen?
Well surely i can swollow that pill. But im not able to hide my feelings from the Lord. He knows i will never agree with that. And i dont feel bad having these feelings. Easy for the elect to say that. No skin off their tail. All i can honestly do is realize in my feebleminded position it cant make sense to me and that it must be good. but i will not lie and say it sounds ok to me at my position. Doesnt worry me tho, or make me want to read something better into scripture. It just goes into my big pile of dont get-its.
I wish not to be misunderstood here, but, feelings are feelings. Important as feelings can be, some feelings can obfuscate or cloud, or worse, something that we are to see. Things that maybe will not drop down "zenkrecht von oben". I'd find objectivity more interesting than subjectivity. Truth can always be discussed, errors and heresies don't like being discussed, they want to be blindly accepted without question, because those who advocate them think they are authorities in and by themselves.
All for now.