The Lord led the apostles to do many great witnesses, doing just as Christ , tribers, where you and I agree is God is sovereign , to accomplish His will in mankind furthering things for His glory, and, in so doing His purposes get accomplished too.
Take, for instance the situation with the teacher, Gamiel, who saw that Peter and John were one step away from being killed. So, what did Gamiel.say, he said, the San. council should let them go....Why was that, tribers?
God is sovereign, I think we all get that. But, why does God have mercy on John and Peter?
Because of why? Faith ! And, not just any 'faith,' but a faith SECURE in the sovereignty of God !
God brought Peter and John through that ordeal that didn't get them off scot-free (they were both flogged and let go) but their FAITH, combined with God's ability to save them, SAVED THEM.
Heart and mind, right, tribers, as, in their minds, Peter and John don't say much at this time of inquisition, but AFTER?
AFTER being before the Sanhedrin, after flogged with a cat O' nine tails, some kinda cat, eh, tribers, what THEN did Petervand John do?
They CONFESSED that the Lord God is with all 'sovereignty.'
Does this make sense? This confessionism that shows man's heart, as God KNOWS our heart, which is WHAT comes from our minds and consequntly, our mouths. And , God , of course, knows all three befotehand, but He works on the 'faith' inside us that He's given us to grow our faith in Him, so, this all said, by our doing what God leads us to do, as His Spirit in us goes with us and 'helps' us, body, mind, heart, God, therefore increases our faith, allows our responsibilities to become more too, as Peter and John rejoiced all the more after their flogging inquisition, going into more and more towns at their freewill choice to preach the gospel of Christ.
Not only is God faithful if we confess our sins, that is, forgiving us, but IF we confess OUR FAITH that He gave us in the first place by His perfect 'measure.'