I did see it... but it can as easily refer to him...
In the specific context of Romans 1, no, if you took that statement and put it elsewhere, yes, it would apply to nearly all, if not all.
Think you people are scary...
Admittedly I'm not surprised, but I wish you would display more brotherly/sisterly love. You talk down a lot, if ya' haven't noticed.
You sit there pretending to be God himself and judge people.
I don't pretend to be God. As far as judging goes, I suppose it depends on how you define judge. If by judging you mean, "pointing out what is true", then no, that is not what is happening in this thread.
Your egos are the idols that you worship.
Well, that would be pride, and it is an idol of many. Pride is something I must fight, however, I do not see where in this thread I have acted on such a basis. If you would quote the lines where such has happened, and point out how what is quoted is that, then I would greatly appreciate it.