You're the one who HATES God's election and his effectual grace because you covet his glory. And what really sticks in your craw is that you still know that he's a JEALOUS God (I wonder if you think that makes him sinner?) who will not share his glory with anyone. What's even worse is that God does ALL things for his own Glory -- not man's! And that really ticks you off because you along with all worldly religious people desperately need to find ways pat yourselves on the back and take credit for your religious life. You clearly don't believe that God makes the difference between why one person believes and another doesn't. And yet you claim to be a Christian who loves God!? Why because he gave you an opportunity to save yourself? He gave you the opportunity to congratulate yourself for being so smart? 
And by the way, "evil" isn't a thing! Evil is the deprivation of something. No one would know that shadows exist if it weren't for sunlight. And so it is with evil. It's the absence of good. No saint will ever know what evil is in the New Order. After all, God is going to "force" everyone to behave forever and ever, don't you know?
And by the way, "evil" isn't a thing! Evil is the deprivation of something. No one would know that shadows exist if it weren't for sunlight. And so it is with evil. It's the absence of good. No saint will ever know what evil is in the New Order. After all, God is going to "force" everyone to behave forever and ever, don't you know?
It's kind of amazing how the only retort you have left for those who view election differently than you, meaning they view it Biblically, is that they are idolators and basically God haters and glory usurpers. After attempting to run roughshod for nearly 11,000 posts, you've obviously got nothing left. Several have made you look foolish.
God will not have to force volitional creatures made in His image to do anything as they have chosen to be in faithful submission to Him, a.k.a. to love Him, and in relationship with Him provided and enabled by Him have been conformed by Him to the likeness of His perfect Son and their first-born brother and Lord.
Volition is at the heart of all of this, Rufus. It's the story of the Garden and the fall. It's part of men not rejecting having God in their knowledge. It's part of Faith. It's involved in men receiving God's Son - His Christ. It's willing submission and it can be seen in perfection in the life of YHWH's perfectly obedient Son and Christ. "Nevertheless, Your will be done" may be some of the most important words ever spoken.
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