I had a cousin who was always on fire for the Lord. Anytime I would call or run into him, he was somehow in the middle, or just finishing up helping others. It was like he was made for it. Hin and “good works just clicked.
He just recently cerebrated his thirtieth birthday when his life took a complete 180, while helping someone in his church, there was a truck on the highway that lost control. The passenger died, and he became a paraplegic. Able to only move his head.
For a guy who woke up at the crack of dawn, and was always on the move, you’d think he’d be miserable not being able to go, go, go, but to my amazement, he did not let one little whimper out aboht it. Nope, he was CONSUMED with fear that his salvation was on the line since he was unable to do any God glorifying good works.
I moved, was doing my own thing for about a decade when I decided to take a trip home to the stomping grounds. I has lost contact with my cousin, and he didn’t have the same number, so I just “popped in”.
I don’t like this part, but what I saw was not the same person I knew my entire childhood. In his dirty bed was an angry alcoholic with a scowling face, greasy hair, and a man who had denounced his faith. Not only denounced it, but turned against it.
He’s long since passed, and unfortunately that was the last time I saw him. I don’t know if he ever turned back around, but I can Remember that the last meeting I had with him had such an impact on me that I was still praying for him when I discovered he had passed nearly a year earlier. I want to contact someone who knew him and see if he ever did change his beliefs, but I’m a little intimidated to find the truth. It’s one, if not thee saddest story in my life. It really is.. do you people think he made it through the pearly gates? I haven’t a clue.
He just recently cerebrated his thirtieth birthday when his life took a complete 180, while helping someone in his church, there was a truck on the highway that lost control. The passenger died, and he became a paraplegic. Able to only move his head.
For a guy who woke up at the crack of dawn, and was always on the move, you’d think he’d be miserable not being able to go, go, go, but to my amazement, he did not let one little whimper out aboht it. Nope, he was CONSUMED with fear that his salvation was on the line since he was unable to do any God glorifying good works.
I moved, was doing my own thing for about a decade when I decided to take a trip home to the stomping grounds. I has lost contact with my cousin, and he didn’t have the same number, so I just “popped in”.
I don’t like this part, but what I saw was not the same person I knew my entire childhood. In his dirty bed was an angry alcoholic with a scowling face, greasy hair, and a man who had denounced his faith. Not only denounced it, but turned against it.
He’s long since passed, and unfortunately that was the last time I saw him. I don’t know if he ever turned back around, but I can Remember that the last meeting I had with him had such an impact on me that I was still praying for him when I discovered he had passed nearly a year earlier. I want to contact someone who knew him and see if he ever did change his beliefs, but I’m a little intimidated to find the truth. It’s one, if not thee saddest story in my life. It really is.. do you people think he made it through the pearly gates? I haven’t a clue.