Faith & Obedience are Linked
Lanny Smith
11/17/19 - Article
This is the first time I've used the winner emoji.
Thanks Lenny &
We spend so much time haggling over things like this, that we miss one of the greatest keys to interpreting the Text and to our relationship with God. 'Obedience' is key and unlocks what underlies many words and phrases in the Bible.
Also, how does one truly believe in God without obeying Him? How does one believe in the Christ (YHWH's Anointed, YWHW's King, the Great High Priest according to Melchizedek (King-Priest), the Prophet greater than Moses) without obeying Him?
With Mr. Smith's article in hand, then look at just who Jesus said our Father is looking for on this earth:
NKJ John 4:21-26
Jesus said to her, "Woman, believe Me,
the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem,
worship the Father. 22 "You
worship what you do not know; we know what we
worship, for
salvation is of the Jews. 23 "But
the hour is coming, and now is, when the
true worshipers will
worship the Father in spirit and truth; for
the Father is seeking such to worship Him.
24 "God is Spirit, and those who
worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." 25 The woman said to Him, "I know that
Messiah is coming " (who is called Christ). "When He comes, He will tell us all things." 26 J
esus said to her, "I who speak to you am He."
The word being translated as "worship" is proskuneō: Word repetition in the Bible is used to make something emphatic. I know of no other time in our Text that Jesus is recorded making something as emphatic as He does here. Here's what the word means. The transliteration and highlighting are mine:
Bauer-Danker, Greek-English Lexicon of the NT (BDAG)
[BDAG] προσκυνέω (proskuneō)
• προσκυνέω (κυνέω ‘
to kiss’) impf. προσεκύνουν; fut. προσκυνήσω; 1 aor. προσεκύνησα (trag., Hdt.+.
Freq. used to designate the custom of prostrating oneself before persons and kissing their feet or the hem of their garment, the ground, etc.; the Persians did this in the presence of their deified king, and the Greeks before a divinity or someth. holy.)
to express in attitude or gesture one’s complete dependence on or submission to a high authority figure, (fall down and) worship, do obeisance to, prostrate oneself before, do reverence to, welcome respectfully,
Time to wake up. It's all about obeying our Father and our Lord Jesus the Christ. Oversimplifying
faith in God and in His Gospel of the Lord King of the heavens and the earth and distancing it in any way from obedience to God is an absolute and very tragic farce.