Then where do those who repopulate the earth in the millennium come from if not the Sheep/Goat Judgement??
Let us find the answer in scripture:
Matthew 25:32-33
32 And
before him shall be gathered all nations: and
he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:
33 And
he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.
All the surviving people of the nations who survive up to His second coming are those who will be divided up AS the sheep and goats. The goats are those who take the mark of the beast upon them, and who aided the beast and/or rejected Christ and/or His Everlasting Gospel, also spoken of in Revelation.
So, the repopulation of the Kingdom nations, apart from faithful and remnant Israel, will be the peoples of the nations who believed the Everlasting Gospel, or placed their faith in Christ to persevere unto the end while not taking the mark of the beast upon themselves.
Does that answer your question?
We know that more than half the world's population will die in just the first half of the tribulation that post-tribbers claim is not God's "wrath"...as if that at all has any credible standing in the face of the evidence to the contrary.
It is absolutely true that the vials will indeed be the
greater measure of His wrath, but, then, wrath is wrath, be it in whatever measures it is poured out.
If I spike the party punch with only half the bottle of Everclear, the substance in the bottle is alcoholic. The punch, although still mostly punch, is ALSO an alcoholic drink, although not as strong as what's in the bottle.
It is true, therefore, that the Lord's "great wrath" is poured out in the second half from the vials, but the seals release pestilence, war and death on a scale not ever seen before since the flood, with the second half being a measure of His wrath greater than any the world has ever seen. Imagine that...the second half is what has never been seen on this earth, even with the killing of ALL the world's populations in the flood, save eight.
Whackos like Steve Anderson, who demand that the vials are the ONLY expression of God's true wrath, simply on the basis of labels, they preach that nonsense at the exclusion of so much evidence to the contrary to their base claim, and their cultic followings sit there nodding in unison without even one critical thought applied to what they are hearing compared to what's written in the very word of God. That's like him claiming the punch is not an alcoholic drink since the Everclear in the bottle is the only alcohol in the room... How moronic...
Him and his followers never talk about the math that reveals the magnitude of death and destruction with the release of just the four horsemen at the very beginning in Revelation 6. They are blind and indifferent to the trumpets and the destruction they bring upon the whole world, which is precisely the outcome Satan wants for professing believers he attacks with falsehoods.
Revelation, as early as chapter 6, makes mention of the wrath of the Lamb having come to the earth; Lamb, which is a purely Jewish reference to Messiah. Not once did Paul teach the Gentiles to refer to Christ as the "Lamb" or the "son of man." Those are references and naming conventions that are germane to the Jews alone, but trash doctrines like replacement theology has Gentiles ignorantly addressing Him as such out of pure ignorance. Replacement theology garbage has its followers ignoring such declarations as these:
Matthew 10:6 But
go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
He commanded His disciples to go ONLY to Israel with the Kingdom Gospel, and not even to the mixed breed Samaritans, who were a mixture of Jewish and Gentile blood.
Matthew 15:24 But he answered and said,
I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Sorry about going into this tangent, but it does strike at the heart of the foolishness that drives some to the idea that the Lord is going to allow the tortuous death and destruction to His own body, which was only ONCE tortured and killed for all, and will not ever be exposed to that shame a second time. Moses, who struck the rock a second time, that cost him his entry into the promised land he so wanted to see. The second trike upon His body will never happen, and those who want to remain here during the tribulation are not members of His body.
If they think that claiming the body of Christ is not similar to His earthly body that was crucified, they will need to explain how the physical, then, can be made more real and of greater importance than the spiritual. Spiritually, WE are His body, and to allow His own wrath upon His own spiritual body...no. That is pure foolishness!