I will answer Yes.. Jesus did fulfill the law.. But i have a nagging feeling you are asking a different question?? I am not sure what that question actually is?
If not clear, I am stating Jesus took away the sin of the world for us in Father to see us new and not beat us up as was seen doing that in the Old Testament with sin sacrifice once a year, having Atonement is over, seeing the shed blood of our Lord Jesus took away all sin at his one time willing death, once for us all as forgiven first.once believe new life gets given to see
no more sacrifice for any sin is left. Not in Daddy’s sight, to me at least.
John 19:30 finished, 1:29 taken away, Matt 5:17Law and Prophets fulfilled, 18, not destroyed
Therefore what to do? Since no more sacrifice for any sin left? No more shedding of any blood left.
i require
Mercy over Sacrifice
sin and death now separated to now have a personal relationship and love all as Father has from day one of the fall of Adam
i am loved so I love all, yes even those that have harmed also
i am reconciled, forgiven by God as soon as I sin again, instantly, thanks to Son for me. that I am appreciated by God for sincerity, the same for everyone in sincerity
hope this now might be clearer
to have to atone for any sin after it is taken out of the way by God Father through The done work of Son is unbelieving in God's taking it away to me at least. Set free to love all in this mercy and truth, can’t hate anyone anymore and it is not I that does it or did it. All God
Jesus plus nothing else thanks
love the post regardless
just sharing my view given me too, thank you