Go back and find my recent post to
@Kroogz re: J3:16 and lets' talk Scripture and wring out it's every nuance. Then do the same with 2Cor11:3 in context.
All you're doing is adding to the list of Scriptures you're avoiding getting into any in-depth discussion about. At this point you've shrugged-off more questions about John6, Phil2 and reasoning through what Biblical Faith and Biblical Salvation is in favor of the guise of alleging I'm not answering your loaded question re: meritorious works. I have in fact answered your questions and asked you in turn to deal with a few of the Scriptures I partially base my answers on.
What I find interesting in all of these discussions is that at some point the proponents of a doctrinal issue will begin avoiding in-depth discussion of Scripture and resort to simplistic proof-texting and warnings and ad-hominem fallacies or inuendo.
Maybe we should get into the simplicity of the Gospel of Christ. Maybe you need a foundation check. Maybe you don't. I'm happy to discuss any Scripture in depth preferring to stay in the NC since that's what the OP is concerned with.
Just as I said. Empty allegations at best. Consider these posts I'll flag for you since they weren't written to you
#596 #645