I know OSAS is a mess and not just of the "Calvies" but also of the Free Grace ("FG") camp that is opposed to them and to the "Armins."
Grace is not free. it had a great cost. the cost of the son of God coming to earth. living 33 years on earth, suffering greatly at the hand of the romans and Jews. and then hung on a cross.
I hope you know when people say stuff like this they are in essence mocking the cross and acting as if Jesus did not really do anythying, What he did was ok, but not enough, we have to do our part.. (even though there is nothing you could do)
I know that OSAS is also nomenclature used by parts of FG or to describe their systematic theology.
None of this is simple and apart from admixture.
Oh it is simple. in fact it is seen in one passage. God so loved the world. he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him, will never perish but will live forever (has eternal life)
It is the legalist that makers it difficult. But they take what God calls the simplicity in Christ and make a mockery of it.
I would head pauls warning about how like the serpent deceived Eve, that we can be deceived to turn away from the simplicity in Christ.
2 Corinthians 11:3
But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds
may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
I didn't refer to ES in that terminology because I wanted to remain at least a bit closer to the Text. I actually wondered if someone would bring it up. I'm not surprised that you did.
You know at least some of the Textual issues I have with TULIP and I know and actually appreciate your bottom lining them with words like "insidious". I've mostly just left such posts to you and to others who have done similarly.
My track in all of this, actually all of Theology now, is to forget all the systematics (which I was either aggressively taught and/or exposed to for years) and just to be looking at Scripture which ultimately is there to bring all of us into line with the mind of Christ in Christ in Spirit.
It's my experience both in my own thinking and in teaching and discussing with others that there is a lot of erroneous systematic tradition out there that has shaped people's thinking to where they read right over and past the Scripture let alone eisegete it. I've also stated many times, maybe and maybe not here, that in studies and discussions, both face-to-face and on forums, I've come to see "works salvation" as a point <> counterpoint so impassioned that both sides make errors.
so again, What works do you think we must do to save ourselves? Since you reject not only eternal security, but that the gift of salvation was covered at Great Cost to God. but at great mercy to us?