I understand your point, and I would agree. At the same time, this is a side issue to me regarding a discussion of the book of Job. Paul was brought up by tttallison (Terry?) within the discussion of Job being "blameless" as God points out at the beginning of the story.
thanks, I see God said this to Satan in Job 1, look at my servant Job
What did Satan say back to God. No wonder you have got a hedge built around him. Let him go through troubles and Job will deny you!
Job, through the entire story of Job refused to deny God ,while in troubles, even to his own wife who was fed up, said to Job, curse God and die. Job said no way and would not
Now, fast forward to today, are you seeing you as a Job? Are you, have you gone through troubles too? If do will you deny God, Peter did and then changed his mind when saw the risen Christ to report to us in his epistles written. Peter was/ and is forgiven all past sin remains forgiven from God Father by Son's done work once for us all The very moment it is past, how fast is any sin past? Peter saw,. even though he did deny knowing Christ/ All sin is forgiven but Not believing God, the Holy Spirit here as if the wind, that began at Pentecost, is what is done for us to see and choose to believe or not personally between God and you too. (Romans 8:15-16).
Do you see Paul stating he had been shipwrecked, rejected, snake bitten and even in jail and still remained to not deny God!
The Jail help saw him not complain and continue to praise God. As Paul when was Saul saw Stephan go to his death willingly being stoned to death, right in front of him. Then the road to Damascus.
What a change, yes. did he depend on himself anymore or Father alone in risen Son given him to see new? now this be passed onto us all people to choose, with no more sin in the way as was before Christ did his done work first.
Do you now see, this be for each person too from God and no one else? I stand in belief that is truth for us all to not deny God at all, even though many times there is the thought time of to deny God, over troubles going on. Or as well as when in thought I am doing well, and think hey I deserve better, I am behaving really?
Pride and quilt I am revealed Father and Son hate as we can see the love of God in 1 Cor 13:4-7 to ask for the imputation of that love and mercy to be given us.
We do not do the work, God does it through me at least, desiring for the next willing person to ask to and be new too in love and mercy to all, not a few Anymore