Yes, I am familiar with the argument... which would be a fair argument except for the verse I'd pointed out.
Allow me to explain the issue briefly, as I understand it...
--the argument (which has SOME validity) goes something like this:
holy [G40 - holy
ones - PL
] with [G3326 - accompanied-with
] him [G846]" - Zech14:5LXX
...seems to correspond with...
- "holy [G40] angels [G32] with [G3326 - accompanied-with] him [G846]" - Matt25:31... and
- "with [G3326 - accompanied-with] the holy [G40] angels [G32]" - Mk8:38, and Mt16:27 [/Lk9:26]... and
- "[cometh] in [G1722 - in/accompaniment] ten thousands of his [G846] holy-ones [G40]" - Jude 1:14
... all of these (the argument goes) that the "G40" (holy ones) that are coming with Him are "angels" (because some of these texts actually state so... by also including the word "angels [G32]" which makes that abundantly clear in those texts).
I would point out (in these texts) that the "with" word is always either "G3326 [accompanied-with]" or "G1722 [in/accompaniment]".
My point being, in places wherever it is speaking of "angels" coming with Him (or even,
also coming) it NEVER uses the
"G4862 [UNIONed-with]" word that we see used in Colossians 3:4 I'd pointed out ('then shall YE also appear [G5319]
WITH [G4862 - UNIONed-with] Him in glory");
And while it is true that
we can (be spoken of as) [be] "G3326 - with [accompanied-with]" in some texts,
"angels" are never spoken of using the
"WITH [G4862 - UNIONed-with] [Him]" word, see.
"G4862 [UNIONed-with] [Him]" word is also used
in 1Th4:14 (a verse I find is often misunderstood), and in the well-known ['rapture'] verse
1Thess4:17 "so shall WE ever be
WITH [G4862 - UNIONed-with] the Lord."
What I'm pointing out about those various texts AT TOP (which the argument goes, always refers to "angels" [as the "holy-ones [G40]"]), is that those instances NEVER use this
"G4862 - WITH" word, as IS used regarding
All of that
^ is beside the point that
Colossians 3:4 also uses the word "
*YE / YOU" (the persons being addressed; which I'm saying is [the corporate] "the Church WHICH IS HIS BODY" and not merely the Colossians-church of the first century alone... if that makes sense.

* YE / YOU - "G4771 -
hymeis " according to BibleHub - ; or "G5210 -
hymeis " according to BlueLetterBible - -- either way, it *means* the same thing: "YOU"

(not referring to "angels [G32 (or even the less-specific "G40 [holy-
ones]")]" here in this verse... no, the word is "YOU" =) )]
Hope that helps you see my perspective.
Yes, I'm familiar with the argument that I believe you are referring to (referenced BRIEFLY above, in my post here); but I don't see it holding up, considering the actual text of Col3:4 and its wording.