I appreciate your help with developing this idea. We might be amazed at how many so-called insane people would be helped by this program, but notice that I did include counseling as part of the regime. If they could not function in an efficiency cell, then a more restrictive environment could be mandated.
Yes, accused people would still need to be tried and convicted, but hopefully if the punishment is certain instead of so hit and miss as it is today, there will be an incentive to not be a repeat offender.
No, pleas would be rather irrelevant, because the role of lawyers would be determining guilt and the just consequence/restitution, and any lawyer who withheld information pertinent to establishing the truth and a fair penalty would be culpable of a crime. IOW, lawyers would be compelled to be on the side of truth and justice.
Perhaps job placement as well as training should be added to the mix, and a person who has paid his debt should not be labeled for life. The purpose of the savings account is to provide the necessities until the reformed person gets the first paycheck. Not sure what the reference to a specified wage means.
With this plan, the recidivism rate will become much lower for those who are released back into society, especially because those who commit another crime and are caught will be kept out of circulation much longer. I guess this is a form of work release, but it should be viewed as an appropriate consequence for good behavior rather than as an undeserved reward.
Those who commit a crime while in prison will have the appropriate monetary penalty added to their sentence, but this does raise a point that I will mention next time.
Still can't say I agree.
How might the transportation of 100's of inmates at different times and locations be handled? Doing so would require so much money into buying new vans, van maintenence, gas, etc.. not to mention the extra cost for all the drivers. And all those drivers, which would all first need experience working with inmates and training. As well as insurance.
Since many prisons already suffer from being understaffed how would this all be worked out?
How would you stop the inflow of drugs and other paraphernalia? As it stands now their calls are monitored to make it more difficult for them to pass messages, such as calling a shot or organize ways to sneak in drugs and such. Freeing then 10 hours a day gives them 10 hours a day a chance to communicate unmonitored.
To quote you "The punishment for people convicted of crimes would be to work for a specified minimum wage ten hours per day and six days per week".
So this means giving 10 hours a day of freedom to those that have done horrific things. Serial rapists, pedophiles (which are typically repeat offenders whose fear of being murdered in prison doesn't deter them) and serial murderers.
Eliminating anything going on a permanent record? So if a pedophile actually managed to pay off restitution people would no longer have the ability to know when they moved to their neighborhood? And they would be free to live anywhere, including next to schools? Take jobs working with kids?
Same goes for rapists. No more sex offender lists. And I'm sure they wouldn't abuse their jobs by targeting victims (even in prison) and use that 10 hours a day to call someone else to assault or kidnap them. Especially those involved in human trafficking.
What if they amount they get paid goes to is higher in one state than another? Two people that commit the same crime would take different amounts of time to pay it off. Is that "fair"?
What if the specified amount of payment is higher or lower than the payment of regular employees? Does the employer have to face looking to be viewed as underpaying employees? Or what if the criminal is paid more than other employees? How well do you think that would go over?
Not to mention 10 hour shifts would involve overtime. 60 hours of overtime each week, which would mean a higher rate of pay for the employer to have to shell out.
I could go on with issues I see of practical limitations of implementing this idea, but you've not even responded to all of my original ones. Nor have you put a price for the value of a person, as requested twice by another user.
You don't feel it invalidates your idea when you have no answers to genuine problems presented?
For me this is akin to opening the borders to illegal immigrants... Oops they've already done that and it hasn't worked out so well.