Another sign we have a uni-party.
Having stated this the effects of the uni-party policies will be definitely be felt soon and very likely the next generations.
Usually the laws and processes of a nation function just fine regardless who is president that's why for me it's mostly entertainment because it has no changes in my real life or the real life of my family, extended family, friends or the whole damn state where i live in for that matter.
The only thing that has changed is that these rules and processes have changed a bit due to the left which is trying to dilute language. So they are the first to cause a reaction in the society.
But since there's so much money in USA, nobody has the need to start a revolution.
As the Greeks said "Democracy begins with a full stomach". So when the USA runs out of money, then people will learn math again and how to balance the budget. For now it's just Party Mode and throwing money away.
Unless you are physically or mentally disabled, there is no reason to be poor in USA. No reason. In fact a lot of people make a lot of money here doing useless positions which shouldn't exist and they make like $100K a year.
So when you donate money, you want to make sure you're donating to organizations or churches who help the physically or mentally disabled.
This is why it's literally meaningless as to who is president because society functions just fine on a day-to-day basis due to laws and processes.
In this election though, Trump is going to be the tool to balance the equation started from the left.