In a discussion of end-times events, it usually means "abomination of desolation", as it does here. However, in a different context it could mean "Ancient of Days".
In my original post where I'd written "AOD" (the post right before his question), I had actually included a couple of Scripture references where the phrase I'm referring to is found:
And since v.36 isn't still referring to "A4E," neither is the "AOD [singular, singular]" in Dan12:11 ("SET UP") referring BACK to his (that 11:31 DID speak of)
One could simply look up the scripture references, to see that it is "abomination of desolation" referred to in my post, rather than "Ancient of Days" in this case.
Post #140 -
But I realize it is rare that people take the time to look up the supplied scripture references presented in a post (but I was fairly confident that GaryA--who I was addressing in particular, on his particular point--would understand the abbreviation, so I chose to save my fingers on that long-typing-post... again, I'm slow at typing, and wish it wasn't so, lol)
[on another note: as to the reason "let him that readeth understand" is used in the text of Matt24 and Mk13, I think I had perhaps mentioned in an earlier post the
reason I believe that is... and that is, because "AOD" is used several times in Daniel, but Jesus is drawing attention to the
only one that could be meant... and it can't mean the one in Daniel 11:31 (re: Antiochus 4 Epiphanes's era-165bc). This leaves the "singular, singular" one in Dan12:11;
and besides this, is
the timing clues supplied in that chapter (12:1,6-7), which, like the similar wording found in Rev12:14 (a time, times, and half a time)
cannot mean "near-2000-years" (as the Historicist viewpoint suggests) because Rev12
fits within the "things which must come to pass
in quickness [noun]" time period that
1:1/1:19c/4:1 shows to start (unfolding upon the earth) at Seal #1 (chpt 4:1 onward to Rev19, His return to the earth); which also agrees with the similar "time, times, and the dividing of time" used in Dan7:25 speaking of "and they shall be given into his hand until..." that length/duration of time--again,
not speaking of some near-2000-yrs amount of time ("given into his hand"); Dan12:1,6-7 is
phrased even more specifically / pin-pointedly--IOW,
not just any random set of 1260 days, but
very particular...]