The actual AoD event is recorded in Daniel 11. A reference to it is made in Daniel 12. There is no [specific] reference to the AoD in Daniel 9.
May you (and the readers) consider:
--in Daniel 11, there are certain phrases used in several different verses, phrases which particularly indicate a "regime change" (so to speak)... so consider how verse 3 says [quoting from Bible Gateway],
Daniel 11:3
Amplified Bible
3 Then a [
a]mighty [warlike, threatening]
king will arise who will rule with great authority
and do as he pleases.
Read full chapter
- Daniel 11:3 There are many reasons for identifying this king as Alexander the Great, as well as identifying the other rulers according to their relationship to the events of those times.
[end quoting; underline and size-emphasis mine]
So, noting things [phrases] like this shows us that in verse 36, it is no longer speaking of Antiochus 4 Epiphanes, like verses 21, 22, 23, and 27 were speaking of [see below, quoting again from Bible Gateway for these verses about "A4E" (165bc)--but first notice the "regime change" (so to speak) before him, in verse 16 (also below)]:
v.16 - Antiochus III the Great -
"...shall do according to his own will" (note: this phrase does NOT mean that he will eat candy for breakfast, lunch and dinner, against his mommy's better judgment (bad boy!).

It is talking about "regime change"... the new guy taking over from the last guy--as a "ruler" type person, see)
[quoting from Bible Gateway]
16 But he (Syria) who comes against him (Egypt)
will do exactly as he pleases [/shall do according to his will-kjv], and no one will be able to stand against him; he (Antiochus III the Great) will also stay for a time in the Beautiful
and Glorious Land [of Israel], with destruction in his hand.
Daniel 11:17
Amplified Bible
17 He will be determined to come with the power of his entire kingdom, and propose equitable conditions
and terms of peace, which he will put into effect [by making an agreement with the king of the South]. He will also give him his [
a]daughter (Cleopatra I),
in an attempt to overthrow the kingdom, but it will not succeed or be to his advantage.
Read full chapter
- Daniel 11:17 Cleopatra I, daughter of Antiochus III the Great, king of Syria, was married to Ptolemy V Epiphanes of Egypt. She supported her husband instead of her father during his attempt to conquer Egypt.
[end quoting; underline mine]
verse 21 - Antiochus 4 Epiphanes - "..."
in his estate shall stand up a vile person..." (again, language indicating a "change"--new/different person)
[quoting from Bible Gateway]
Daniel 11:21
Amplified Bible
And in his place [in Syria]
will arise a [
and despised person, to whom royal majesty
and the honor of kingship have not been conferred, but he will come [without warning] in a time of tranquility and seize the kingdom by intrigue.
Read full chapter
- Daniel 11:21 This contemptible conqueror is identified as Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the younger son of Antiochus III the Great, king of Syria, and is a type of the final Antichrist referred to in Dan 11:36; 2 Thess 2:3-12; 1 John 4:3; 2 John 7; and Rev 13:5-8. Antiochus IV Epiphanes attempted to destroy the worship of the true God by robbing the temple of its gold and silver treasures related to worship and setting up a statue of Jupiter in the Holy of Holies. He also breached the walls of Jerusalem, ordered a daily sacrifice of pig, forbade circumcision and destroyed all the sacred scrolls he could find (see note 8:10).
verse 36 is another such "regime-change" language (indicator), where it says, "And the king
shall do according to his will" (new "ruler" type person in town, here,
not still talking about "A4E" in this verse!), and the very next words in this verse saying that which precisely corresponds with the wording in 2Th2:4a [
identifying this "far-future" / "future"-to-when-Paul-wrote-this, person/"man of sin," whom we commonly call "the antichrist," aka the beast of Rev13--
individual person aspect--"mouth" (Dan7 "mouth" also)])
Seeing this particular kind of language indicating "regime changes" (so to speak)
used in Daniel 11, lets us know that the person starting in Dan11:36 is not [still talking about] "A4E," but corresponds with the [far-future] "man of sin" (2Th2:4a, 9a, 8a), which is at the START of the "7 yr period" (SAME as Matt24:4-8/Mk13:5-8... and Rev6 Seals... and Dan9:27a)...
...whereas 2Th2:4b is at the MID-point of it (SAME as Dan12:1... and 9:27b... and Matt24:15,21... and Rev13:5-7)...
...and v.8b is at the END point of it (SAME as Dan12:12,13... and 9:27c... and Matt24:29-31/Isa27:9,12-13... and Rev19)
And since v.36 isn't still referring to "A4E," neither is the "AOD [singular, singular]" in Dan12:11 ("SET UP") referring BACK to his (that 11:31 DID speak of)