Really? So in your infinite holy wisdom and impeccable sense of justice, the Amorite and Canaanite should move back on in and kick out the Israelis? Maybe use the international court to air their grievances?
What you do NOT understand is that God owns everything. Literally everything. Souls and dirt. All of it. And He gives it to whom He wills.
And He gave it to Abraham/Jacob/Israel. And they had to go to war to complete the transaction.
And He gave it as an ETERNAL EVERLASTING possession. The centuries of wandering due to disobedience is nothing more than a hiccup in this vast eternity. And since God will intervene and BRING ISRAEL TO OBEDIENCE in the very near future as per infallible prophecy, the LAND will once again be their possession and abode. Israel will finally be USING their land, RIGHTLY purposing it as God intended as ground zero to do what they were always meant to do: SAVE GENTILE SOULS and be witnesses and priests.
Gen 17:8
And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an
everlasting possession;
and I ***WILL BE*** their God (INEVITABLE YET FUTURE!!!!!).
Jacob: (the
confirmation of the covenant....see Gal 3:17)
Gen 48:4
And said unto me, Behold, I will make thee fruitful, and multiply thee, and I will make of thee a multitude of people; and will give this land to thy seed after thee
for an
everlasting possession.
Oh and BTW, your horrendously errant (if not utterly clueless) views on eschatology are to blame for your twisted views on geopolitics.
And good luck thinking you will obtain justice in the worldly courts regarding the goings-on in Israel. Or Afghanistan or Syria or Russia or China or Ukraine or anywhere else for that matter.
NOBODY gets true peace and justice UNTIL Messiah comes. I often wonder if you even believe in the SC and all that this event entails.
Including the vast devastating judgements that precede Him.