That statement has to be carefully scrutinized. The ministry of the Word is given to those who have received one of these spiritual gifts: apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, or teacher. Elders within a church would have these gifts, and God has spelled out the qualification of elders in detail. And God has limited these spiritual gifts to men (males) for a very specific reason.
Elders are not deacons, and deacons are not elders. And in the New Testament churches, there was always a plurality of elders called "the presbytery" in Scripture (not just one man trying to be the shepherd for a whole church). No women were allowed to be elders or deacons. This is also why Christian women are commanded (a) to cover their heads during worship and (b) remain silent during worship. Furthermore they may not preach, or teach, or usurp authority within a local church. Even the Catholic church (for all its false teachings and much of its history) barred women from becoming "priests". That is because of what is in the Bible.
If you care to explore all this in Scripture, do your due diligence (going all the way back to Moses and the elders of Israel). But do not try and pervert or minimize the truth. The Southern Baptist Convention -- for all its faults -- did what was biblical in ousting Saddleback church from their fellowship (of course too little and too late). But today many Christians (including Rick Warren) reject Bible truth because it does not suit their fancy. And then we have a whole host of false apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers on radio and TV.