FreeGrace2 said:
Every verse that evangelizes someone is proof.
Who is the gospel presented to anyway? Unregenerates. Why do it if they can't respond? That would make no sense. And Calvinists just do not understand that.
The Bible teaches that faith precedes salvation.
Eph 2:5 is the verse that equates "being made alive" or regeneration, with being saved. They are synonymous.
Then, in v.8 Paul wrote that we are saved by grace THROUGH faith. That word proves that faith precedes salvation.
Of course.
Then what's the argument here? I'm with you all the way. It is WHEN a person believes the gospel promise that they are saved AND born again.
God doesn't give spiritual birth to unbelievers. Calvinists don't believe that. And they don't have any verse that supports their claim.
FreeGrace2 said:
Every verse that evangelizes someone is proof.
Who is the gospel presented to anyway? Unregenerates. Why do it if they can't respond? That would make no sense. And Calvinists just do not understand that.
WillB said:
WB: You seem to be missing the point.
The point at issue which you raised is about faith and salvation in which you claim that faith precedes salvation.
FreeGrqace2: The Bible teaches that faith precedes salvation.
Eph 2:5 is the verse that equates "being made alive" or regeneration, with being saved. They are synonymous.
Then, in v.8 Paul wrote that we are saved by grace THROUGH faith. That word proves that faith precedes salvation.
WB: Your argument on this point in relation to verse 8 is the word order but if you were being consistent you would have to apply that very same principle and say that verse 5 ‘proves’ being saved comes before faith …and that of course would not make sense.
As you seem determined to reject my exposition of Scripture you may just want to consider the following from the highly respected source:
“I think first of all of what Jesus said in John chapter 3, when he said to Nicodemus that unless you’re born from above—which is regeneration—you’ll neither be able to see or enter the kingdom of God (
John 3:3-5). And we enter the kingdom of God through faith.
So in that conversation, I think it’s very clear that in order to come to faith, first of all, God has to give us a new heart. And that is really what John had said in the prologue to the gospel as well, that those who came to believe in Him were born not of the will of the flesh or the will of man, but born of God (
John 1:13).
So when we’re thinking about it, we realize that, logically, regeneration grounds our faith. But when we are regenerated, we come to believe.
So there is not a gap that we would be able to detect between being born again and coming to believe. In fact, the way we would recognize that we had been born again was because that came to expression in our trust in Jesus Christ. So they are very intimately related.”
WB: When a Christian evangelizes to an unregenerate person there are two possible outcomes.
FreeGrace2: Of course.
WB: First, the unregenerate person can reject the message - and remain unregenerate i.e. spiritually dead.
Or Second, the unregenerate person can believe the content of the message and have faith in Jesus Christ in which case he is no longer spiritually dead ....he's been made alive i.e. born again - and is saved which is the consequence of the free gift of faith by God to that person.
FreeGrace2: Then what's the argument here? I'm with you all the way. It is WHEN a person believes the gospel promise that they are saved AND born again.
WB: That’s exactly the very point I’ve been arguing FOR and which you’ve been arguing AGAINST when you say “faith precedes salvation.”!!!!!
FreeGrace2: God doesn't give spiritual birth to unbelievers. Calvinists don't believe that. And they don't have any verse that supports their claim.
WB: You’ve got a bee in your bonnet about Calvinists for some reason. Show me precisely where in the writings of Calvin he asserts God gives “spiritual birth to unbelievers.”