alleging in a forum that i have a short attention span is a personal attack it is not just a matter of difference of opinion
whist you may be strong enough to handle some name calling,. i am not. I am extremely weak and only when Jesus carries me do i manage to get through my day. many days i do not wish to continue. i come to CC to try and be involved. i try my best to remain positive and not speak the thoughts that run through my head. but as my psychologist once told me. keeping things inside you is why you attempted suicide. she taught me share my thoughts more to stop the overwhelming feeling of being alone in this world
Sorry for lowering the fun others have in the forums. it is never my intent to do so. but seems i do it too much
Just be yourself.
Many years ago, I struggled with being myself, and, without even realizing it until God showed it to me in more ways than one, that actually lead to me hating myself.
One of the many ways that God got me to break free was through a word of knowledge that came forth in a church service one night.
I'm paraphrasing, but the word basically said that there was someone there who was like a bottle of strong cologne, and that they were afraid to take the cap off of it because of fear of what others might think of the strong aroma. In other words, due to this fear, who they really were was all "bottled up" inside.
I knew that that was me, and, in case nobody has noticed, I blew that stinkin' cap to smithereens years ago.
Do I have a "strong" personality?
Yes, I most certainly do, BUT it's never my intent to use my "strength" to harm anybody.
Anyhow, for whatever it's worth, I like you.
I still think that little poem that you wrote on one of these threads was the best poem I've ever
To cinder's point, get acquainted with the "ignore" button if need be.
I recently put three people here on "ignore", and my life is much more peaceful now.
Some people, sad to say, are just a hopeless waste of time and energy.