Hi Everybody!
I was reading over some old posts this morning and came across a comment by a married friend here who was talking about enjoying spending time with us in the Singles Forum.
I am often curious as to how we singles are seen by those who are married or have experience with marriage or marriage-related situations.
Maybe you are someone who is married, have been married in the past but aren't anymore, are engaged, or were once engaged but it didn't work out. Do your experiences with marraige make you look at singles (presumed to have no prior marital experience) differently?
* Do married people ever look around here (the Singles Forum,) and think something like, "Oh, those poor clumsy chaps, they're just stumbling around!" But in more of a good-natured, "they're trying their best, but they'll figure it out eventually" kind of way, rather than as judgment or criticism?
* Do married people find themselves wanting to give dating advice to singles? (If so, what is your advice?) And what mistakes do you want to help us avoid?
* Do married people want to make suggestions about whom they think would make good matches here? (If so, what would be the best way to make suggestions?)
* Do married people look at singles and think, "Praise God I don't have to be alone or deal with that rat race anymore!"
* How do married people feel when singles say they are lonely, and what would you tell them?
* What makes married people want to hang out with us single folk, anyway?

* And, this might be a bit too personal, but for anyone who wants to answer... Does being here ever make married people wish they had stayed single for a bit longer, or do some maybe even admire, or envy, those who have become content with single life?
Everyone is welcomed to answer, of course, regardless of marital status or experience -- I was just curious as who how we as singles are perceived by the married friends who graciously spend their time with us but still let us be ourselves.
Something else that inspired this idea was reading some old threads that were made when I first joined CC (2009.) Back then, it was common to see such titles as, "Looking For Someone to Talk To Ages 19-23."
In other words, the singles crowd here has changed A LOT over the years, and now that many of us are older with a little more life experience than the old crowd, I'm wondering what married people REALLY think about hanging out with a crowd of 30ish-through-70ish-aged singles.

I'm actually hoping we might even be able to have a bit of good-natured banter/joking in our posts and/or between users.
Thanks in advance, and we are very thankful for the wise, compassionate, and thoughtful married friends who choose to spend their time here.