Give strong drink to one who is perishing, and wine to the bitter in soul. Let him drink and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more. Proverbs 31:6-7 Clearly it depends who you are and your situation in life. Even Solomon, considered the wisest man in the world, did not say, do not drink at all. His counsel was to eat drink and be merry! He also said, Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has already approved what you do. Solomon's wise counsel was not to not drink at all, but not to join those who drink too much. How much can only be determined by each individual. For some that is none. You claim to know nobody who can have just one drink, but if everyone who drank always drank to the point of being totally inebriated and out of control, prohibition would be brought back. Or never have been rescinded in the first place. Plenty of people can have just one or even less. They can have a drinking habit which entails drinking one glass of wine once a week, or one a month, or once a year. Your attitude is that alcohol is good for nothing and wrong for everybody under any and all circumstances and in every situation. Scripture does not support your position.