both your points are valid ones and the fact you don't dismiss it says a lot, I don't think God created the big bang if he has all this power and a supernatural being I think he could of created the Earth easier than that but it says he created everything within 7 days but that means he created man too but man didn't walk the Earth for a long time after. Ultimately is a question if we are all being honest we will never find the answer too but it does inflame passion inside of people no matter what faith or lack of you have. I do believe in evolution and think it's the right answer but honestly I hope I'm wrong I really do.
Also the hebrew word used for 'day' doesnt necessarily refer to a literal 24 hr day but it can also be translated 'time period' e.g. the 'day of the Lord' also mentioned in scripture probably wont be 24 hours but much longer. My theory is 'God-days' that we dont know the exact amount of time God created each thing for each day but He took the amount of time He needed to do it.