The devil must really be happy. People that identify as being a part of the CHURCH are now arguing if HOMOSEXUALS is a sin!
what in the world has happened to the church? FYI God said what he meant, and he meant what he said.
As the only openly gay person in this thread, I have suggested over and over that the debate is not and should not be whether homosexuality defined as sin in scripture. That's not up for debate - the bible OT and new makes it clear that sexual activity among people of the same gender is offensive to God.
The real debate and where everyone is failing is how to help Gay people move forward and closer to Christ. The vast majority want to write the sinner off with the sin. And that is not right either. Some want to throw an olive branch, but expect gay people to go cold turkey and just stop being gay instantaneously. Again, while magnificent if achievable, reality dictates humans are sinful by nature and it may not be a smooth pathway.
I've suggested another way a few times now, but it gets ignored or shot down. And that is 'The long road home'. This is the one way that will help gay people make permanent, lasting change little by little. And it works like this;
1) Jesus loves YOU! (The Christian community have spent so many hours telling gay people God hates them that it is just accepted as fact by us)
2) You were designed with purpose
3) Letting Jesus in
4) Taking stock of where we are now and where we need to be heading
5) Repentance
6) Forgiveness
7) A life of atonement in the knowledge that we are who we are and our flesh nature is contrary to God's will
8) Working toward becoming a Eunuch for the glory of God (chastity) (Matthew 19:12)
None of this will be a walk in the park, but Jesus himself said that it is easier for a rich man to pass through the eye of a needle than achieve the Kingdom of heaven. ie The promise is great, but the journey is not necessarily going to be easy.