I understand your point of view
can you compare having a graven image as just as bad.
like this I read luke
Luke 3:22-23 22and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."
after i read this i felt it was ok and justified to put a picture of a dove on the wall and carve out an image in wood in rememberance of the holy spirit.
I also felt justified in praying after looking at the picture of a dove.
What made me feal justified is important obviosly like your point of view on the murderer. was it the enemy who filled the heart of a man with rage.
Is it the enemy that makes me feal justified in bowing my head befor the cross at church
The bible says every knee will bow befor Jesus one day. was that my justifcation for bowing befor the cross at church. if i carry on in that justification is it wrong of me yes it could be.
If i murder someone in an act of rage and carry on in my justification was that right to murder is that right. No obviously not. I guess somebody could carry on that way and feal they where justified to murder someone. The enemy can cause a person to have anger and keep a hold on them for a long time, could he still be forgiven thats upto God.
If a soilder kills someonein self defence is his justification right. ?
You see where im coming from. this is why its up to the lord to judge as only the lord truly knows the heart. and trust me the enemy can get a hold of the heart.