It’s only mild, I was diagnosed with Autism when I was young, my mom said I didn’t talk till I was 3 or 5 (She still has her journal she kept on me, updating it as I got older as a baby), I talked by doing sign language, but lately my mom has been telling me it is Aspergers. Probably because I’m more prone to emotional outbursts, but basically from my knowledge Autism and Aspergers are very similar.
I am very blessed that the lord only gave me mild, cause when it’s more severe people will usually have other mental disabilities on top of autism spectrum as well, like also having retardation as an example. I struggle with being social in real life, it’s hard for me to maintain friendships and I’m shy, cause I’m so strong minded and I just think people would think I’m weird/not like me. Like I remember in middle school, I think this kid was writing a paper on Walt Disney, and I went on about Walt’s first movie and how the Jungle Book was the last movie he ever made, and the kid just stared at me like I was strange, I just really get into talking about what I know and like learning.
But I know I wouldn’t want to be anything else, I like how I am, even if I struggle, I’m happy the way the Lord made me ^_^...that’s why companies like “Autism Speaks” annoy me, any company that claims they can cure autism or that autism is caused by vaccines, DO NOT deserve money.
It just occurred to me as I was finishing this post, that I have a wonderful family, I’m the middle child, so when I was born, and acted differently, my mom and dad loved me and learned how to raise an autistic child, I’m the only one in my family with a disability. It occurred to me, you hear these stories on how people give up on their children with disabilities or don’t want to raise their child that has disabilities. I know my mom said it wasn’t easy, but she and my dad kept up with me, that just really touched my heart right now.