You must be dedicated to the Lord, all men fall short of the Glory of God, man cannot do this alone. However he is to make every effort to be like his son Jesus Christ. This takes dedication, fortitude, patience, and repentance all the time. A personal one on one relationship is a must. God wants total dedication and focus to him, not the world and its ideals, values, ethics and morals, but his. Unfortunately the tag chrisitian is now redundant, and saying your a born again Christian more so. Man has a long way to go to please the lord in his endeavours, a Sunday morning at some temple of Baal does not cut it. Get to work people, dedicate yourself totally to the lord, profess your love for him and repent from sin. And someone having no clothes on does not equate to sex. That is the work of satan whispering to you, grow stronger in christ and repent! Read the bible and dont rely on mans interpretation, but the holy spirits. The devil is at work right now harvesting his crop, which is getting larger by the day.