And if you believe Calvin' s system is well thought out system than you also believe that of Augustine system is a well.
Aside: I read other REFORMED men's writings and that is why it is so easily to destroy your ideas or answer your questions.
Aside: I was disappointed in Dcontraversial's argument that you presented. I thought it would be a lot stronger than that as you propagated him to be your doctrinal knight in shining armor.
I have learned to trust the teachings of people I have person to person contact with,... trained in the word.
What you have is a schema that you fit scripture into,
I have many things I cannot answer and I prefer that, rather than a faulty system.
... It's your prerogative to prefer a system (or lack of a system/organization) that leaves you with many unanswered questions. This may be a sign you system or lack there of needs adjusting.
Thanks for being cordial.