Isn't it beautiful that everything we do in life is based upon Yay/Nay.
Do I want to get out of bed today?
Do I want to wear this?
Do I want to eat this?
Do I want to go to work?
Do I want to put fuel into the vehicle?
Sometimes we are forced to do things we don't want to (like putting fuel into our vehicle or go to work).
And then on the flip side is morality between right and wrong.
Should I say something to offend this person? Odd how we never ask this first, but just say it and realize we just offended them.
Should I look at this beautiful woman and imagine things with her? Typically, we see her, start to think and then realize we are doing wrong.
To me, it's strange how common things like what to eat we are good at deciding before hand what to choose.
But when we sin, we sin and then realize we ignored the part where we could have chosen "no" before committing the sin.
If we could get our morality on the same pattern as basic life situations, we would be better off.
This is why there is always a "WAR" within us as Believers!
Do I want to get out of bed today?
Do I want to wear this?
Do I want to eat this?
Do I want to go to work?
Do I want to put fuel into the vehicle?
Sometimes we are forced to do things we don't want to (like putting fuel into our vehicle or go to work).
And then on the flip side is morality between right and wrong.
Should I say something to offend this person? Odd how we never ask this first, but just say it and realize we just offended them.
Should I look at this beautiful woman and imagine things with her? Typically, we see her, start to think and then realize we are doing wrong.
To me, it's strange how common things like what to eat we are good at deciding before hand what to choose.
But when we sin, we sin and then realize we ignored the part where we could have chosen "no" before committing the sin.
If we could get our morality on the same pattern as basic life situations, we would be better off.
This is why there is always a "WAR" within us as Believers!
And it's why it's so important to focus our minds on Jesus and the Word of God. In the Old testament they meditated upon the law, which was the Word of God given to that point. It's very hard to read "stealing is sin" and then get up and go ahead and commit an armed robbery. So the Word of God searches us and transforms our mind. Societies become decadent and more evil because minds get conformed, as evil becomes a new normal generation after generation. And is why they would told to set themselves apart and not mix with the world.
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