Jesus did say that False Prophets would look like sheep, be able to work miracles and show signs, but they would produce bad fruits of the Spirit. He then goes onto say they will be the ones who build their house upon the sands and be destroyed.
Now reread what I just wrote.
This also means, there will be good Prophets who do the same, but they build their house upon the "Rock!"
If I was a betting man, I would bet that only 3 out of every 10 Prophet is good. The others will be those on "Judgement Day" who claim, but I did miracles and cast out demons in Your Name. And of course, Jesus will reply back, I never knew you, depart from me.
I realize this is much to consider here. But what I desire for you to grasp is those 3 of the 10 that are Good Prophets. Because, if you end up lumping the good with the false in one batch, You will be going against God and what He said. The problem with the most of us in life, is that once we figure out who is bad, we never look for who is good. We simply go directly to assumption. And we all know the true meaning to when we "assume."
This means, because Jesus said it, there are Good Prophets who are currently ministering right this moment in time and you can see "Miracles, Wonders, Signs, good fruits, and they have built their house upon the Rock."
But that leaves the million dollar question, Are YOU able to tell who is who?
You won't be if you assume everyone with signs, wonders, miracles are automatically "false Prophets." And that is my point ultimately within this thread.
Now reread what I just wrote.
This also means, there will be good Prophets who do the same, but they build their house upon the "Rock!"
If I was a betting man, I would bet that only 3 out of every 10 Prophet is good. The others will be those on "Judgement Day" who claim, but I did miracles and cast out demons in Your Name. And of course, Jesus will reply back, I never knew you, depart from me.
I realize this is much to consider here. But what I desire for you to grasp is those 3 of the 10 that are Good Prophets. Because, if you end up lumping the good with the false in one batch, You will be going against God and what He said. The problem with the most of us in life, is that once we figure out who is bad, we never look for who is good. We simply go directly to assumption. And we all know the true meaning to when we "assume."
This means, because Jesus said it, there are Good Prophets who are currently ministering right this moment in time and you can see "Miracles, Wonders, Signs, good fruits, and they have built their house upon the Rock."
But that leaves the million dollar question, Are YOU able to tell who is who?
You won't be if you assume everyone with signs, wonders, miracles are automatically "false Prophets." And that is my point ultimately within this thread.
In fact,it is so rare that I have come across anyone that is satanic,that was not obvious in their bad fruit,countenance, demeanor, attitude,and vile.
Things in the spirit are night and day....darkness and light contrasted.
Jesus said "my sheep hear my voice"
The anti charismatic stalkers
Practically own the falsehood that things are spooky and demons ALWAYS manifest as an angel of light.
Their main "discernment",rolleyes, is in that realm.
IOW their entire deal is ACTUALLY their own deception.
They live in deception.
Unbelievable irony.
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