I witnessed people who struggles with anger or lying or what many deem small sins, and being told not to worry about it, and the same people, who said do not worry about it, judge a person struggling with sexual sin, amd tell them to stop or else, and when it is suggested they have tried, and how. They say just obey god, he said don't do it so don’t! If you have faih in God you will stop, if you do ‘t you must not have faith, and i wonder if your even saved.
then i saw close friends who also struggled but hid those sins, for fear of judgment, and even others, who seemed like rock hard believers walk away finding out they had a secret life of sexual issues, and never came forward, because of same issue
this is dangerous, it is not christlike, and it leads people to hide son and water down the law. Thinking they are alright because they do not murder, or cheat on their wife. When in reality, they have their own sins, they just refuse to admit it.,