His birth and His Second Coming were/are for ISRAEL.
The Rapture is for the CHURCH and Church alone.
Thus the confusion.
No the confusion is in the dispensationalist interpretation of Christs ministry in the belief that God has one plan of salvation for the Jews and another for the Church. Gods plan is to reverse Adams fall and bring humanity back to him. Christ is the second Adam
his human ancestors included Gentile women. Almost all the members of the early church were Jewish and fulfilled the original
purpose of Israel in the role of being a nation of priests. Since his death and resurrection Gentile members of the Church are
part of spiritual Israel and Sons of God. During Jesus' ministry people thought he came to restore a physical kingdom of Israel
He never offered them such a kingdom. In fact he went out of his way to avoid being made king because his mission was to
be the sacrificial lamb. Thats why God allowed the Physical temple and sacrificial system to come to to an end. It was a shadow
and Christ is its reality. The rapture happens at the second coming and is not confined to the Church alone.
For I know that my redeemer liveth and that he shall stand
at the latter day upon the earth and though after my skin
worms destroy this body yet in my flesh shall I see God
Whom I shall see for myself and mine eyes shall behold
and not another though my reins be consumed within me.
Job 19: 25-27 KJV
Which Synagogue or Church did Job attend?
For the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven
with a shout , with the voice of the archangel
and with the trump of God and
the dead in Christ
shall rise first.
2 Thess 4: 16 KJV