yeah, the believer is to be manifesting the Fruits of the Sprit, one of which is Not Sabbath keeping .
that is why is you judeaizers reject this teaching in favor of the Law....
Exodys 20:8-11 "Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy." God
Mark 2:27 "The Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath." Jesus, who was God. (Emmanuel=God with us.)
What spirit do you think it is that leads you to be so condescending and vicious in your remarks toward Christians here? Angrily accusing us and condemning those among us who may indeed choose to do as God beckoned, remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy as that day that sets us apart for holy service to our Creator.
Do you notice the context of that edict? "Remember". It wasn't that the fourth commandment came into being on Sinai. It was that the holiness of that day was recalled into the Decalogue of God on Sinai. A reiteration hearkening back to creation from whence our species came into being, when through God's creation and breath, we became a living soul.
And after our labors, as God after his own, we are given a day of respite from our labors in this world. From working in construction, driving trucks, working in a cubicle world in corporate America, and so forth.
A day when we are able to leave the attentions this world requires us to have toward all its drama so as to make a living, to be distracted by inane nonsense called entertainment on large and small screens, a day when we can escape the troubling drama that garners our attentions. And spend a day in prayer, in worship, in communion with our Father.
Why is that so repellent to you? Why would you charge those who respect that gift from God's grace are, "Judaizers", as if that's a curse word, a slur, meant to demean? When our Lord Jesus was born into a Jewish family and practiced the Jewish faith being God in flesh.
The word, remember, in the fourth command means it predates the commands given in Sinai being God made the seventh day His day of rest after he had created all things in the prior six days. God rested from his creative endeavors.
Genesis 2:3 So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation.
Exodus 31:13 “You are to speak to the people of Israel and say, ‘Above all you shall keep my Sabbaths, for this is a sign between me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I, the Lord, sanctify you.
John 17
17 Sanctify them[
a] in the truth; your word is truth.
John 17:17 Greek
Set them apart (for holy service to God)
May God bring you peace and open your heart and mind toward His message and peace filled understanding.
God bless and keep you all of your days.