The word of God was not perfect until the NT was given by inspiration of God.
is this statement biblical? please explain why it is or not using the word of God to support your position.
Thank you.
All the word of God is perfect, Old and New Testaments, and is the truth, for it comes from God.
But God's work among people was not perfect until the New Testament, for then spiritual salvation came which is the end result of what God had planned for mankind all along.
The Old Testament is perfect in the physical blessings it provided, protection against their enemies if they obeyed God, and monetary blessings, and material blessings, and blessings of crops, and such as pertain to the physical realm, and the New Testament is perfect in the spiritual blessings it provides, eternal life, but many of the Old Testament blessings gone, for if we obey God we may not always be protected physically for we might suffer persecution, but we are protected spiritually, and we cannot pursue money, and material things for our wants, for having food and clothing, be content, and the love of money is the root of all evil.
The word of God would be perfect in how God deals with people is if all they did receive is life on earth, and that is it, but it is not perfect of God dealing with mankind for the best benefit to give to mankind until the New Testament.
The word of God was not perfect until the New Testament means that the word of God was not complete until the New Testament, but without the Old Testament and God dealing with the nation of Israel in that way, there would of not been a New Testament, for He had to establish a nation, and a people, and give them His covenant, and a nation that Jesus would be born from, before it could go to the New Testament, so the Old is as important as the New, for without the Old there is no New.
But the Old Testament is inspired by the Holy Spirit, as much as the New Testament, for it all came from God, and how many times do we read in the Bible the LORD said.
If God had a covenant with the Jews in the Old Testament that dealt with their sins, and had a plan to cover their sins, and forgiveness, and had blessings for them if they obeyed Him, then the Old Testament is inspired by the Holy Spirit as the New Testament that deals with our sins, the sins being washed away, and blessings if we obey God.
The Old Testament is not a book that people wrote telling of God, but it is a covenant coming from God to His people, so all the Old Testament is inspired by the Holy Spirit, for it is of God, the New Testament is a covenant coming from God to His people, so all of the New Testament is inspired of God, for it is of God.
And if the Old Testament is not inspired than how did the person know of the creation account, and the garden of Eden, and how would they know of all the genealogies of all the people, for they sure would not know of that on their own, and how would they tell of things happening that was not in their area, and how would they be able to tell of the future for there are many prophesies, even dealing with today, and how would they know Lucifer fell from heaven when he rebelled, and many other things that they would not even know to write unless God told them.
God said in Isaiah 41 that He identifies Himself as the one true God by telling us the end from the beginning, which He told us the whole history of mankind, and said no other person, or religion would be able to do that.
Daniel spoke of Babylon for he was there, and encountered that, so was those Daniels words, or did God tell him what to write, but Paul wrote of his travels for he was there, and encountered that, but the New Testament is the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, so even though Paul traveled, and preached, and did these things first hand, and experienced them, it was still the Holy Spirit that told him what to write, so it would be the same with the Old Testament.
For if God told them what to write, and they encountered it, and experienced it, in the Old Testament, then surely God told them what to write concerning the things they did not experience, or encounter.
For it is God's word, and sure they could write what they encountered without inspiration, but the Bible is God's book so He wants them to write down what He wants them to write down, for if done by them there is memory forgetfulness, not telling it in the best way, leaving out something important, too much going on about the same thing instead of getting to the point, or telling things that are not important to add, and other human error, but from God it will be how He wants to convey it, and it will be the best possible message to get across to us, and gets the message across fast, and clear, and what is important, and necessary, for humans could not do that.
If the Old Testament were not inspired the book would probably be 50,000 pages, but with God it is narrowed down to what is important, and vital.
If the words come from God, how He wants it to be conveyed, it will be to the point, and the best way to tell it, not too much detail, not too little detail, not forgetting something, not rambling on, not leaving out something important, not including something that is not important, and other human traits.
All the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit.