Idk stressed. School is really difficult so just wasted time and money and effort when I fail. Like I spend hours and hours on projects and homework and I can't even get passing grades. So I was real tired today and drank a few cups of coffee and then threw that up because I can't take much caffeine apparently. I can drink a bunch of vodka and my stomach's fine, but I drink caffeine and feel sick. I'm just tired though. Like I think religiously I am as slow as I am with my school. Like it takes me hours and hours just to get a few points on hw, like hours and hours and hours. I feel like I am the same way with understanding religious stuff, and people I ask for help think I am not getting anywhere even though in my mind I can think of how I've improved on things but in their mind I haven't improved so then they just stop talking to me. That ends making me really depressed and then spending hours and hours and hours, like hours and hours and hours and hours, trying to understand that and fix the situation. Which never happens. So idk I'm stressed.
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