We should be more confident instead of fear and trembling is what you say, right?
In love we know our Father, and as our hearts warm to His word and His ways, we know
we live in Him. When I stand in praise, when I lift up His name, when I bow in tears
at the price He paid to show me I am His, into eternity, I break in wonder, love and adoration.
A child knows their Father, knows His will and His ways, and their conscience sings in the
Spirit with words of the angels from on High. We know our Lord, we know His intent, we know
the next step, and each day we walk another step closer to that day when we meet face to
face. Amen.
There is always fear and trembling, because He is the Lord, dangerous, the creator
before whom nothing is hidden, anywhere, He knows all. And I stand amazed that He desire to
call us His people, to bless and anoint us with the oil of gladness, the hope and faith of heaven.
And He has given me so much, and taught me to not fear but to just share and know His power,
Thank you Jesus, amen.