Nehemiah6: "
You can leave that safely in God's hands. And since the Gospel is NOT abstract theology, perhaps you should go back and read the Gospels and get a proper understanding."
Thank you
, but unlike you, I can read the Gospels in the original Greek and even understand the nuances of the underlying Aramaic.
And yes, the basic premise of vicarious atonement is the ultimate in theological abstraction. For example, you have no clue about how to answer this underlying question: How can anyone's death, even the death of God's Son, possibly atone for my sin? How does it make sense to believe that another man can take responsibility for my guilt? You and I accept by faith that Jesus accomplished precisely that, but don't tell me it is not a theological abstraction!
MattfhrJesus: "Only people that accept the truth of God's word, the Old Testament saints whose blood was covered by animals, and
looked forward to the Savior to come, and the New Testament saints can be with God, and Jesus, but that is right now."
The "Old Testament saints" had no clue that Jesus would suffer an atoning death on the cross for us! The Suffering Servant Song of Isaiah 53 was not even applied to the anticipated Messiah until Jesus.