Hmm dont quite agree with that but ok.
You say the Lord will descend and gather his where?
Scripture doesn't give the exact coordinates, but states that the dead in Christ will rise first in their immortal and glorified bodies. Then we who remain and are still alive, will be changed and caught up with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then taking John 14:1-3 into consideration, the Lord will take the entire church back to the Father's house to those places that He went to prepare for us, that where He is, we may be also.
What are they going to do for 7 years.
Well, for one, believers who are caught up will appear before the Bema seat of Christ to be judged for things done in the body for Christ, which will result in rewards or loss of rewards - 2 Cor.5:10. Then we will attend the wedding feast of the Lamb, where the bride/church will receive her fine linen, white and clean - Rev.19:6-8. After that, the church/bride will follow Christ our of heaven riding on white horses while wearing her fine linen - Rev.19:14. I'm sure there will be other events that are just not mentioned.
What is the 7 year agreement with. Why does israel have to complete a temple and sacrifices.
The 7 year agreement is that last seven years of the seventy seven years that was decreed upon Israel and their holy city, Jerusalem. Since this has not yet been fulfilled and God cannot lie, then it is yet to take place. We know that the 7 year agreement is with Israel, because the prophecy is regarding Israel.
Didn't Jesus destroy the old temple and raise up a new one (His body?).
Don't confuse the literal temple in Jerusalem with the temple of our bodies in which the Holy Spirit dwells. The context will determine what is being referred to. That said, since the antichrist will cause the sacrifices and offerings to cease and the abomination is said to be set up in the holy place, then the context is obviously speaking about a literal building temple opposed to the temple of our bodies.
Weren't the first fruits from the first time, why does God need to gather his church
Because, God's wrath must take place via the seals, trumpets and bowl judgments leading up to when the Lord returns to the earth to end the age and therefore, the church must be removed before God's wrath takes place, because we are not appointed to suffer God's wrath. And that Jesus already suffered it on our behalf. So, the Lord will gather His church prior to the on-set of His wrath.
wouldn't that be the first fruits, if hes gathering them FIRST.
That is the church, not the nation Israel. Two different dispensations/programs. The woman of Rev.12 is representing unbelieving Israel, i.e. they have not acknowledged Jesus as their Messiah. The 144,000 who come out of the twelve tribes of Israel, are those who will recognize Jesus as their Messiah. These are the first fruits out of Israel. God has unfinished business and prophesies to fulfill with Israel, which will be fulfilled during that last seven years.
Why is he waiting for israel in the LAST seven years shouldnt he be gathering them FIRST?
When Jesus gathers the church, it will be those who trusted in Him and were watching for His appearing, which is our blessed hope. How can the Lord Jesus gather Israel when they have not believed in Him as their Messiah? The nation Israel has remained under the law of Moses till this very day, still waiting for the Lord's first appearing and God will take up where He left off with Israel during that last seven years. Here is what scripture has to say about Israel and their lack of belief:
"What then will we say? That the Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have obtained it, a righteousness that is
by faith; but Israel, who pursued a law of righteousness, has not attained it. Why not?
Because their pursuit was not by faith, but as if it were by works. They stumbled over the stumbling stone,"