It can't understand how a Christian of today can tie his faith back to some Renaissance patriarch that held to most of the doctrine of their parent the RCC. Calvin, Luther and all their cohorts spun off the Catholic Church and carried on with most of its false doctrine. If they would have just started over from scratch, realizing antichrist's ideals were permeating their doctrines, they might have found the true path.
Yes, I'm like you as well, and attack any person for coming out of Rome under the knowledge that salvation is by grace through faith in our LORD Jesus Christ, contrary to what they were taught otherwise by apostate Rome. Attack, attack, slander, name call, accuse!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, slander them, attack them...wait. Isn't there some evil entity made by God that does the same thing you're doing? Attack, accuse, remind of former sin? Diablos? You are exemplifying that person in your above.
I thank God that the Reformers were called out of Rome and preached the one true Gospel. It's highly likely any understanding you have of the true Gospel is in thanks partly because of their coming out and making it known.
Anyhow...carry on.