I do not know if I am hearing you right. Do you believe that faith and works is the cause of your eternal deliverance?
Faith is all that is needed for one to become SAVED, to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. ONCE SAVED a person is to Love One Another as the very person they accept into their hearts, COMMANDED them to do. Woe to those who accept Jesus into their heart by Faith, but do not do what He says, namely "Love One Another" These are lukewarm Christians, they claim Jesus as their Savior and Lord, but do not do what He COMMANDS them to do, to Love One Another, to have works, to give to the needy, to help those in need, to clothe the naked, feed the hungry, to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. The Nicolaitans believe ONLY, and think they do not need to have any Works at all. What they fail to understand is, if LOVE is Truly living inside of you, that is to say, if Jesus is living inside of you, you won't be able to help to Love One Another, it is what He does. If Jesus Truly lives in you, you will be loving your enemies, why? Not because you want to love them, but because it is He that is in you, that makes you love them. He is Love, and if He is in you, you will be filled with many good works, because He is in you. LOVE is in you. Woe to the Nicolaitans though, which believe and teach, that all you need is Faith ONLY,
To BE SAVED, requires FAITH and Obedience to the very one you say you believe, and He commands us to "Love One Another" Woe to this generation indeed, there will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth, when the day comes that determines who is and who is not SAVED. That DAY only happens when Jesus Returns and your name is found in the Book of Life and you are taken up with Him. ONLY when a person is taken up, is the exact moment a person is TRULY SAVED.
i can claim with my mouth that "i am Saved" But i will not be TRULY SAVED until that day that i am raptured up to be with Jesus where He will be forever, in the Holy City Jerusalem, on Earth.
††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††