Tell me your interpretation of 1 Cor 2:14. Then read Eph 2:1-5 and it will tell you how the natural man described in 1 Cor 2:14 becomes a spiritual man, regenerated (made alive, from being dead in sins), and born of the Spirit, without any response of his own. Those that God chose (Eph 1:4) before the foundation of the world are born into this world as dead alien sinners and some time between their natural birth and their natural death God regenerates them. It became necessary for God to chose some and make provision to rid them of their sins by his Son, so that he would have an elect people that would seek him and praise his name, because in Ps 53:2-3, He looked down from heaven (by his foreknowledge) on the children of men to see if there were any that would seek him, and found that they were altogether become filthy; there were none that did understand, that did seek God. There is none that doeth good, no, not one. Eph 1:13, When we are regenerated, while we were still dead in sins as the natural man (1 Cor 2:14) having no knowledge of the gospel, the Spirit began revealing some truths of the gospel, a little here and a little there, and that began to increase our faith and trust in the gospel. In verse 13 after we had been revealed some truths so that we trusted the gospel, we were sealed (an earnest or down payment) by the promise of the Holy Spirit. The sealing does not mean we were regenerated at that time, but were regenerated prior to being sealed. Because of the fact that as new born babes, we had a lack of knowledge about the gospel until the Spirit began revealing. I hope I did not confuse you with my lengthy explanation.