"Not everyone saying to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of My Father in the heavens." Matthew 7:21blb
I believe the text of Matthew 7:21 shows it to be the equivalent of passages such as:
--Matthew 25:11,1 [the plural virgins (involving "the wedding FEAST/SUPPER" i.e. MK; see verse 10 in the nasb, for example [also Lk12:36-37,40 "when he will RETURN FROM the wedding..." THEN the meal]--not the ONE who He is MARRYING (involving "the MARRIAGE" itself; that is, the distinction found between Rev19:9 and 19:7)]
--Matthew 25:31-34 and context [the "ye BLESSED" and the "ye cursed" who will have either aided or not aided "the least of these My brethren" (v.40, which I believe refers specifically to the believing remnant of Israel IN/DURING the future tribulation period, i.e. "in that day," who will be being gravely persecuted during that specific time period, and who are NOT the ones being judged/separated in this particular context)]
--Matthew 13:24,30,39,40,49-50 [the passage where Jesus had PREVIOUSLY spoken to His disciples about the subject of which they are inquiring of Him in the later setting of Matt24:3, and which He is answering in the context of the Olivet Discourse [which context is not covering the subject of our Rapture, but of His Second Coming to the earth, and the specific time period leading up to that])
... all of which are passages about who will and will not "enter" the promised and prophesied earthly Millennial Kingdom (in their mortal bodies), upon His "return" there (at the time of His Second Coming [to the earth]; not at the time of our Rapture [in the air: which pertains solely to "the Church which is His body," not to all other saints of all other time periods])
The phrase "the kingdom of the heavens" speaks of the promised and prophesied earthly Millennial Kingdom (promised particularly to Israel, but to which "guests" [Gentiles] will ALSO be invited [during the future tribulation period, Matt24:14[26:13], Rev7, Matt22:8-14, Rev19:9, etc]) and into which LIVING/MORTALS will enter (besides people being "resurrected" for it, such as OT saints like Daniel [Dan12:13] and Trib saints who [come to faith within the trib and] die during the trib [Rev20:4]).
"The kingdom of the heavens" [the earthly MK] = "the wedding FEAST/SUPPER" = "the age [singular] to come" (commencing upon His "return" to the earth). Only "the righteous" [the "ye BLESSED"] will enter that time period [the earthly MK; those STILL LIVING will enter in their mortal bodies, capable of reproducing/bearing children--others will be "resurrected" to stand again on the earth, for it]).
As to "the Church which is His body," we are to set our mind on things above (as opposed to minding [Israel's] earthly things), for our citizenship is in heaven (where we are already "seated with Him" positionally/legally), and from whence we eagerly await... the One delivering us out from "the wrath coming" (when our bodies will undergo "change"--1Cor15:53b / 2Cor5:3-4 "clothed upon" [that is, apart from having to die first (speaking of the "we which are alive and remain" [portion of the ONE BODY] at the time of our Rapture [together with "the dead IN Christ" who it says "shall rise first"])]).
This is the distinction between Rev19:9 (not aorist, and not who He is MARRYING) and 19:7 (aorist, "wife [SINGULAR]," at the time of the chpt 19 events of His "return" to the earth FOR the promised and prophesied earthly Millennial Kingdom).