Sinless perfectionists always push a false law abiding dogma......
People who love God, always push doing good, right things, called righteous acts
and condemn evil, sin, which destroys and leads to death.
If one was lawless, one would say
"Moralists condemn us passionate humans for being who we are, they are evil"
When the crowd in Sodom and Gommorah demanded Lot to hand over the visitors,
were they doing the right thing or being evil?
Was Lot regarded as righteous or evil?
Why did the angels go to save this one righteous man?
It is easy to condemn those who claim to never have fault and walk perfectly, but
one must be very careful you do not end up condemning righteousness itself and
thereby the hope we have in Christ.
And my question is simple.
If to meet Christ we need to be actually Holy, pure, cleansed and undefiled, and
this needs to occur before the end of our lives, at what point can anyone declare
with some reasonable certainty they are walking in Christs ways?
Paul appears to have been able to declare this, that he was following Jesus's example.
Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.
1 Corinthians 11:1
My problem with condemnation of some people, is if you condemn the ultimate goal,
are you not undermining the road that leads there?
And if you are undermining the way of Christ, are you not making yourself the enemy?
I have no problem with anyone doing the right things, or being righteous, just when
this is the focus rather than Jesus, service and learning to love more. And often when
idealism is claimed, the focus on what is actually happening is lost and sin starts to
abound because the appropriate boundaries have been removed and people assume
good intentions, rather than being as innocent as doves but wise as serpents.
Grace and peace to you, in Christ Jesus