Faith that is alone, having no works, is a person saying they have faith but has nothing to show for their faith. James himself defined 'faith alone' for us.
"What use is it, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but he has no works?"-James 2:14
"You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone."-James 2:24
I'm posting this to show you he defines 'faith alone' as lip service. I'm not asking you to debate the other issues associated with that. The above verses prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that 'faith alone' is mere lip service.
I know you hear it that way. I'm completely aware of that.
It's all about faith. There is no fruit bearing outside of faith in Christ. That's why fruit bearing is the sign you are in Christ in salvation by faith. Fruitless branches are cut off and thrown into the fire. If fruitless branches somehow belonged to Christ they would be retained by Christ, not cast off.
In the end, fruitlessness shows you do not have faith in Christ. If you are a barren field when Jesus comes back you will be burned, not saved...
"land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in danger of being cursed. In the end it will be burned."-Hebrews 6:8
On the other hand, if you have fruitful work, you have that which accompanies salvation. You show by your work that you are saved and ready to meet Jesus when he returns. This is taught to us in the example of the Hebrew church...
"we are convinced of better things in your case—the things that have to do with salvation. 10God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them."-Hebrews 6:9-10
If any of you are barren and fruitless, fall on Jesus. He will make you ready for his return. That's why he came here first to warn us. He will give you salvation and the things that accompany salvation that make it certain that you are indeed saved and ready to meet him.
"We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized. 12We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised."-Hebrews 6:11-12
"What use is it, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but he has no works?"-James 2:14
"You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone."-James 2:24
I'm posting this to show you he defines 'faith alone' as lip service. I'm not asking you to debate the other issues associated with that. The above verses prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that 'faith alone' is mere lip service.
I know you hear it that way. I'm completely aware of that.
It's all about faith. There is no fruit bearing outside of faith in Christ. That's why fruit bearing is the sign you are in Christ in salvation by faith. Fruitless branches are cut off and thrown into the fire. If fruitless branches somehow belonged to Christ they would be retained by Christ, not cast off.
In the end, fruitlessness shows you do not have faith in Christ. If you are a barren field when Jesus comes back you will be burned, not saved...
"land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in danger of being cursed. In the end it will be burned."-Hebrews 6:8
On the other hand, if you have fruitful work, you have that which accompanies salvation. You show by your work that you are saved and ready to meet Jesus when he returns. This is taught to us in the example of the Hebrew church...
"we are convinced of better things in your case—the things that have to do with salvation. 10God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them."-Hebrews 6:9-10
If any of you are barren and fruitless, fall on Jesus. He will make you ready for his return. That's why he came here first to warn us. He will give you salvation and the things that accompany salvation that make it certain that you are indeed saved and ready to meet him.
"We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized. 12We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised."-Hebrews 6:11-12
Paul-->ROMANS-->faith alone justifies a MAN BEFORE GOD
JAMES-->JAMES-->THE ABOVE faith seen by men based upon our works
THE WORKS HAVE NOTHING to do with salvation....get that through your head!