i don't think you comprehend what i'm asking, because you didn't even attempt to answer it.
ask yourself, what is the new house that God builds, and what is a parapet in this house?
all scripture testifies of Christ. the Law is the nanny that is to bring us to Him -- so where is Christ in this commandment?
i'm not asking because i don't know; i'm asking because i hope you will think for yourself through what the implication of this is, finding Christ revealed in it -- because if you do, it comments profoundly on many of the topics in this thread you consider to be 'larger' but which are actually much smaller.
people, especially proud people, internalize a lesson better when they think they've arrived at it themselves, rather than having memorized a lecture. when they have thought it in their own mind, rather than having been told what to think. that is why i posted this commandment, and asked about it, rather than explained it.
not because i couldn't write 6,000 words expositing it myself.
because i know you'd reject those immediately, but you'd accept whatever you told yourself - and if your mind was on Him, you would see Him in it, and the transmission of the ideas i mean to convey would be accomplished without my having to state them.
ask yourself, what is the new house that God builds, and what is a parapet in this house?
all scripture testifies of Christ. the Law is the nanny that is to bring us to Him -- so where is Christ in this commandment?
i'm not asking because i don't know; i'm asking because i hope you will think for yourself through what the implication of this is, finding Christ revealed in it -- because if you do, it comments profoundly on many of the topics in this thread you consider to be 'larger' but which are actually much smaller.
people, especially proud people, internalize a lesson better when they think they've arrived at it themselves, rather than having memorized a lecture. when they have thought it in their own mind, rather than having been told what to think. that is why i posted this commandment, and asked about it, rather than explained it.
not because i couldn't write 6,000 words expositing it myself.
because i know you'd reject those immediately, but you'd accept whatever you told yourself - and if your mind was on Him, you would see Him in it, and the transmission of the ideas i mean to convey would be accomplished without my having to state them.
Albert Barnes says this, "The roofs of houses in Palestine were flat and used for various purposes. Compare Jos_2:6; 2Sa_11:2; Act_10:9, etc. A battlement was almost a necessary protection. It was to be, according to the rabbis, at least two cubits high (about 3 ft.).
I wonder if you are seeing Christ as our keeper, saviour, and protector?