Buddy, in every thread I see you in you have a chip on your shoulder.
If you need a friend be honest. You obviously came looking for something
If you need a friend be honest. You obviously came looking for something
A called and sent teacher of the word relies on the anointing of the Holy Spirit and would not have to use cuss words to get any point across. Same for a Preacher from the pulpit, so whats your excuse again?
Oh look at this, he did it, he actually said cussing was not a true sin. Parents, nobody should be offended by this guy teaching your young ones bad words, because he cannot use any nice words to get his point across.
Well in truth, nobody under this guy should be offended by his lack of self control and actually lack of love, because he cannot control what comes out of his mouth. Look away from him and concentrate on those with true sin, you know false teachers and antichrists. DO not ever be offended when the vulgar words coming flying from the pulpit he is behind because he cannot make a point with nice words and has to make the point with cuss words.
What's the problem? Oh you mean the problem that we demand Christian Character still matters and that the free gift of salvation and righteousness gives us an new exchanged life not merely a grace soaked changed life in progress, through passive sanctification. We demand our leaders not to make teaching points with cuss words because they are not spirit filled or have enough fruit of the spirit of self control or love to use nice words that edify, exhort and comfort.
The intimate relationship we have with Christ and the empowering resurrection power of the Holy Spirit, keep us from making points with cuss words, it gives us the love and self control for others to help us deny cussing, and other things we are powerless over.
Like I said and you went right over. I am not offended and expect the world to use cuss words and all the time and around me.
I am offended that someone saying they are full of light would actually think he should get a pat on the back and pass for admitting he uses cuss words to make points because he cannot think of any nice words to use instead.
This is the real problem with the church today:
Men like you trying to be so relevant you actually think people appreciate, respect and love the fact, you present yourself as just a weak, powerless little christian that should be given a back rub over your inability and refusal to let the power of God control your mouth and what comes out of it. After all, they agree that the true sin should be rooted out.
The thing is this, the 25-40 crowd in the world do not see you as being any different than the they are. If thye see oyu give yourself and others a pass on the lack of control of what comes out your mouth, they will not give you another try. They expect us to be different and they want us to be different and stand for something other than lip service, mental assent and playing church.
They need us to be the light, salt and the truth.
Oh look at this, he did it, he actually said cussing was not a true sin. Parents, nobody should be offended by this guy teaching your young ones bad words, because he cannot use any nice words to get his point across.
Well in truth, nobody under this guy should be offended by his lack of self control and actually lack of love, because he cannot control what comes out of his mouth. Look away from him and concentrate on those with true sin, you know false teachers and antichrists. DO not ever be offended when the vulgar words coming flying from the pulpit he is behind because he cannot make a point with nice words and has to make the point with cuss words.
What's the problem? Oh you mean the problem that we demand Christian Character still matters and that the free gift of salvation and righteousness gives us an new exchanged life not merely a grace soaked changed life in progress, through passive sanctification. We demand our leaders not to make teaching points with cuss words because they are not spirit filled or have enough fruit of the spirit of self control or love to use nice words that edify, exhort and comfort.
The intimate relationship we have with Christ and the empowering resurrection power of the Holy Spirit, keep us from making points with cuss words, it gives us the love and self control for others to help us deny cussing, and other things we are powerless over.
Like I said and you went right over. I am not offended and expect the world to use cuss words and all the time and around me.
I am offended that someone saying they are full of light would actually think he should get a pat on the back and pass for admitting he uses cuss words to make points because he cannot think of any nice words to use instead.
This is the real problem with the church today:
Men like you trying to be so relevant you actually think people appreciate, respect and love the fact, you present yourself as just a weak, powerless little christian that should be given a back rub over your inability and refusal to let the power of God control your mouth and what comes out of it. After all, they agree that the true sin should be rooted out.
The thing is this, the 25-40 crowd in the world do not see you as being any different than the they are. If thye see oyu give yourself and others a pass on the lack of control of what comes out your mouth, they will not give you another try. They expect us to be different and they want us to be different and stand for something other than lip service, mental assent and playing church.
They need us to be the light, salt and the truth.